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In response to ChatGPT and Google's Bard, Facebook's owner Meta introduces Llama 2.

 In response to ChatGPT and Google's Bard, Facebook's owner Meta introduces Llama 2

On Tuesday, Meta and Microsoft jointly introduced Llama 2, an open-source large language model. Notably, Llama 2 is available for commercial use at no cost. This move aims to enable businesses and organizations to leverage the capabilities of the language model in their commercial applications without incurring any licensing fees. The availability of Llama 2 for commercial use aligns with the growing trend of making advanced language models more accessible and fostering wider adoption across industries.

The announcement from Meta emphasized the broader benefits of openly sharing AI models. By making these models available to the public, it allows for widespread advantages. Businesses, startups, entrepreneurs, and researchers gain access to powerful tools that have been developed at a large scale, which would otherwise be difficult for them to create independently. This accessibility promotes innovation and collaboration across various sectors, empowering individuals and organizations to harness the potential of AI in their own projects and research endeavors.

Indeed, Llama stands for Large Language Model Meta AI, representing the collaborative efforts of Meta and Microsoft. This partnership goes beyond the realm of AI and extends into the metaverse, highlighting the companies' shared commitment to advancing technologies that transcend traditional boundaries. By working together, Meta and Microsoft aim to explore and develop innovative solutions not only in the field of AI but also in shaping the future of the metaverse, a virtual space where people can interact, collaborate, and engage in immersive digital experiences.

The announcement detailed how the open-source methodology fosters transparency and accessibility. Llama's optimization for local execution on Windows empowers developers to seamlessly integrate the AI experience into their applications.

Google Bard presents 16 dialects of Arabic

Last week, Bard made its debut in Arabic, encompassing a remarkable range of 16 dialects. Google, recognizing the complexities of the language, took great care to ensure that Bard possesses the ability to comprehend and interpret these diverse colloquial dialects. Among the 16 dialects supported are Egyptian, Emirati, and Saudi Arabic.

"This momentous news, according to Najeeb Jarrar, Regional Director of Marketing at Google MENA, enables Arabic speakers to take advantage of a generative AI built on Google's PaLM 2 technology. Known as Bard, this experimental project enables users to generate fresh content, collaborate with the AI, explore novel ideas, simplify complex subjects, and directly immerse themselves in the marvels of these advanced technologies," exclusively shared Jarrar in an interview with Arabian Business last week.
